Cercasi collaboratore di ricerca

E’ stata pubblicata oggi la procedura comparativa per una collaborazione di ricerca nell’ambito di un progetto sull’imprenditorialità dell’università di Padova. Possono fare domanda candidat* in possesso di laurea magistrale.

Ai/lle candidat* sono richieste le seguenti capacità, conoscenze e competenze:

• comprovata capacità di analisi di banche dati, nonché competenze in area statistica ed economica, in
particolare nell’area Management e Imprenditorialità;
• conoscenza dei software Excel, Word, R e/o STATA e/o SPSS;
• buona conoscenza della lingua italiana (in caso di cittadini stranieri).

Il bando è disponibile:

La scadenza di presentazione delle domande è giovedì 25 marzo 2021 ore 12.00, per PEC o raccomandata.

Per ogni ulteriore informazione contattatemi via mail: silvia.sedita@unipd.it

Bonus seminar

Tomorrow we are having a bonus seminar. The speaker is Benedetta Crisafulli (Birkbeck, University of London), who is presently enrolled as visiting professor @DSEA and teaching 14 hours in the Advanced Marketing course (master course in Business Administration).

On Wednesday 4 December at 11.15 am in Room 45 (via Bassi 1) she will present the paper To Adopt or Not an Autonomous Car? Exploring Consumers’ Wellbeing and Extended-Self Considerations, joint with Dr Radu Dimitriu @ Trinity College Dublin and Dr Rodrigo Guesalaga @ Pontificia Catholic University of Chile.


Investments in autonomous cars are fast growing. Yet, as of today, there is uncertainty concerning the likely adoption of such vehicles.  Such uncertainty is compounded by negative episodes influencing public opinion, such as the death of three Tesla drivers due to the Autopilot driver-assistance system failing to react to hazards.  Integrating the means-end chain and extended self theories, we explore the holistic drivers behind the likely adoption of autonomous cars among prospective adopters, and the linkages with well-being and self-expression considerations.

The participation is not compulsory.

Social network analysis with UCINET

Social networks are

“a set of nodes and the set of ties representing some relationship, or lack of relationship, between the nodes” (Brass, Galaskiewicz, Greve, & Tsai, 2004, p. 795).

Nodes, or actors, are the units of analysis in SNA and may represent individuals, groups/communities, organizations, or countries (Zack, 2000). Relationships define the connections or flow of material or non-material resources among the actors (Wasserman & Faust, 1994), and “resources might include social support, emotional support, companionship, time, information, expertise, money, business transactions, shared activity” (Williams, 2005, p. 22). For more information about networks, and definitions of some key terms, please read Introduction to Social Network Research: General Introduction and Major Terminology.

UCINET (a Windows product) is a comprehensive package for the analysis of social network data as well as other 1-mode and 2-mode data. Can read and write a multitude of differently formatted text files, as well as Excel files. Can handle a maximum of 32,767 nodes (with some exceptions) although practically speaking many procedures get too slow around 5,000 – 10,000 nodes. Social network analysis methods include centrality measures, subgroup identification, role analysis, elementary graph theory, and permutation-based statistical analysis. In addition, the package has strong matrix analysis routines, such as matrix algebra and multivariate statistics.

Integrated with UCINET is the NetDraw program for drawing diagrams of social networks. In addition, the program can export data to Mage and Pajek, other two software used for network analysis

The full program can be downloaded and used free for 60 days.

Required reading

Hanneman, R. A. and Riddle M.  2005.  Introduction to social network methods.  Riverside, CA:  University of California, Riverside ( published in digital form at http://faculty.ucr.edu/~hanneman/ )

Installation notes


Installation works best if you right-click on the installation file (typically called something like setup32UCI6534.exe) and choose ‘Run as Administrator’. Similarly, it is also helpful to use ‘Run as Administrator’ when running UCINET itself for the first time, as this allows you to register the program for all users of your machine.


The best way to run UCINET on a Mac is to use a Windows emulator such as Parallels (or, of course, Bootcamp). However, it is (often) possible to run UCINET on a Mac using Wine. For more information, see this FAQ.

Be ready with the software installed in your portable computer by monday 28th when we will start work on it.

Questions? Send me an e-mail at silvia.sedita@unipd.it or leave your comment above.

Immagine correlata

Visit to Dialcos

The visit to Dialcos is planned for Wednesday the 16th of October.

A bus will leave from the Department of Economics and Management (via Bassi 1) at 2.00pm and take the students to the company site, in Due Carrare (PD). The return trip will start at about 5.30pm from Dialcos back to the Department (arrival at about 6pm). Students will be accompanied by dott. Enrico Carlet.

During the visit, you will also learn some useful tools for your groupworks, such as how to build a GANTT and how to plan an activity following the PDCA method.

Be on time and take the opportunity to take pictures and videos during the visit, which might be helpful for the groupwork activities.

All participants must be listed here: LINK

Screenshot_2019-10-14 Dialcos su Instagram La Pasta dialsì con farina di lenticchie e riso integrale è stata selezionata tr[...].png

Influencer marketing

Fabio Rovazzi and Will Smith are protagonists of a sketch published on Youtube. It all starts with a trip that Rovazzi makes to Budapest to watch the screening of “Gemini Man”, the film that sees Will Smith among the protagonists.

The singer, after having seen the film, takes part in the party organized by Smith without being able to approach him. Back in the hotel room, he finds himself incredibly sharing the same room with the actor. A truly unique opportunity for Rovazzi who cannot fail to share this moment with his fans …

Many comments from fans and haters show that the video was perceived as real by many of the followers.

Influencer marketing involves marketing products and services to those who have a sway over the things other people buy. This market influence typically stems from an individual’s expertise, popularity, or reputation. Marketing to an audience of influencers is similar to word of mouth marketing, but it doesn’t rely strictly on explicit recommendations.

Bloggers and video bloggers have become important influencers because they are seen as authentic and have loyal followings. When a blogger recommends a product it seems more trustworthy than traditional advertising. By using influencers, companies can avoid much of the cynicism and skepticism that is directed at straight forward marketing messages.

In the case we’re discussing here Fabio Rovazzi is the influencer hired for launching the new movie “Gemini Man” that was coming soon to theaters in Italy.

500 thousand views on Youtube less than twenty-four hours after the
video was published

Here below some comments from Rovazzi:

“Quella con Will è stata un’esperienza pazzesca. Io ero lì per il suo nuovo film. Mi avevano chiesto di fare un contenuto social con lui. Così avevo proposto varie cose. Lui ha un team incredibile. Alla fine due giorni prima gli propongo questa cosa, dove per caso rimaniamo soli in stanza. Ovviamente una cosa surreale. Mi piaceva far vedere un personaggio come Will Smith, che è una super star, con un occhio più normale, amatoriale, nella quotidianità. Quando poi ho rivisto la clip, perché ho dovuto montare il video, mi è sembrato che quando entra sembra una cosa finta. Secondo me è una cosa nuova, vedere un personaggio del genere in quel modo. Lui è stato molto disponibile. Gli internazionali hanno un’autoironia molto diversa dalle star italiane. In America e nel resto del mondo capiscono che l’autoironia ti porta dall’essere super star all’essere umano. E questa cosa ti valorizza molto di più”

Which could be in your opinion the target audience?

Lean marketing

Drawing on the models provided by studies of such companies as Toyota, Porsche and Pratt & Whitney, the lean thinking model extends earlier views of lean production into a number of principles: (i) the definition of value from the perspective of the end customer in terms of ttie product/service offering delivered; (ii) the identification of the ualue streams for each product and the elimination of muda (waste) in the entire supply chain; (iM) organising value creating activities aroimd fiato rather than “batch and queue” approaches; (iv) responding to the pull of product through the supply chain by customers to eliminate stocks; and (v) the pursuit of perfection.

How does lean thinking relates to the marketing process in terms of both conflicts and synergies?

Should you’re willing to know more on the topic, read this seminal article written il 1997 by Piercy and Morgan and published in Journal of Marketing Management: LINK


Risultati immagini per value value stream flow pull perfection
The elements of lean thinking